Identifying your Target Market: Who are you talking to?

I updated have updated a few items.


Every businessperson knows one must identify their potential market.  That is what demographics is all about, right?  Not so fast, my friend.  In today’s ever-changing world, we now need to incorporate a new factor, the generation.  The lines blur between generations and two people 5 years apart may identify themselves with the older or younger generation. A person born at the end of Generation X might identify with Y and
a person born at the beginning of Generation X might identify with the Baby Boomers.  Everything plays a factor now including where they grew up, if their parents were divorced or not, how much they and their parents make. Let’s take a look at the description of each generation, not their actual age, although I do reference what years each is most likely born.

The Greatest Generation

Born between 1901 and 1925, this generation also has been called the Depression…

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